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Serving Arizona for 30 Years

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy

CBC Insurance is dedicated to meeting the privacy and security standards of our valued visitors and customers. Your visit to this website is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information we collect at (the “Site”), and how we may use that information. Our Privacy Policy also describes the measures we take to protect the security of this information as well as how you may reach us to update your login information, remove your information from our files or ask us any questions you may have about our use of your personal information. It also explains how you may elect to stop receiving communications about our products and services. Please note that this Privacy Policy governs only information provided to CBC Insurance. It does not govern any other information or communications that may reference CBC Insurance, e.g., communications from CBC Insurance affiliates. If you visit one of our other websites, or link to another website from this Site, you are subject to the privacy policy applicable for that website and we suggest that you consult such privacy policy.

How we collect information

You may choose to provide us with personal information when you visit our Site. For example, if you decide to get a free quote, you may be asked to provide certain information such as your contact information (name, email address, telephone number, etc.). If you would prefer that we not collect any personal information from you, please do not provide us with any such information.

How we use information

MARKETING EMAILS. If you so elect, the information you provide may be used by CBC Insurance to create and deliver emails to you such as specials notifications or other email messages (“Emails”). If you do elect to receive them and later decide that you would no longer like to receive these Emails, you may opt out at any time.

COMMUNICATIONS TO SERVE YOU. If you have elected to provide us with your contact information, we may provide you with product and service related announcements by any means, including email, concerning the Site or contact you regarding your login information or any requests for further information. For example, all registered user accounts will receive a welcoming Email to confirm their registration. These types of communications are necessary to serve you, respond to your concerns and to provide the high level of customer service that CBC Insurance offers its customers.

LOGIN. If you provide personal information to us with respect to login, we will treat such personal information as confidential and use it only to contact you with respect to use of the site, unless you tell us that you no longer wish for us to retain your information.

Technologies that allow us to customize your experience

We use various technologies to collect information about your visit to our Site and to enhance and customize your experience on our Site. For example, we may collect the numerical Internet Protocol (IP) address identifying your computer or device which may indicate your geographic location. In some instances, we may use these technologies in combination with the personal information you provide on the Site. These technologies may provide a variety of information such as whether you have visited our Site before. They also may enable you to save your preferences. Each technology is explained below.

WEB BEACONS AND TRACKING LINKS. Web beacons (also called clear gifs and pixel tags), tracking links and/or similar technology consist of a few lines of code and are embedded on the pages of our Site. They are often used in combination with cookies and are often not visible to the user of the Site. Web beacons may relay information to third parties such as our affiliates and may be used in order to track customer response to certain advertising, to better target interactive advertising and to enhance customer support and usability. If you reject our cookies (see “Cookies” section below), you will prevent Web beacons from relaying this information about you and may limit your use of some of our Site features.

COOKIES. Browser cookies are bits of text that are placed on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our Site. Flash cookies are similar to browser cookies except that they can store data more complex than simple text and are stored in your browser rather than on your hard drive. You can have your browser and/or plugs to your browser, such as flash, notify you of, or automatically reject, cookies. If you reject our cookies, you may still use this Site, but you may be limited in the use of some of its features. Temporary or “session” cookies are used to help you shop and will simply expire when you place an order.

We will not provide your personal information to third parties for their use in marketing. In addition, we do not sell or otherwise disclose personal information about our Site visitors except as described here.

Third parties

We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf consistent with this Privacy Policy. Examples include trade specialists, customer support specialists, email vendors, and web hosting companies. Such third parties may be provided with access to personal information needed to perform their functions but may not use such information other than on our behalf and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Minors privacy

If you are under eighteen years of age, you may not provide personal information to us. This Site is not directed to minors under the age of eighteen and we do not knowingly collect personal information from minors under the age of eighteen on the Site. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personal information from a visitor under the age of eighteen on the Site, we will delete the information from our records.

How we protect your information

We maintain reasonable safeguards for this Site to protect against unauthorized disclosure, use, alteration or destruction of the personal information you provide on the site. If you have any questions about security at our Site, you can send an email to

Options for managing your information

You may choose whether or not you would like to receive Email from us. You may change your preferences with respect to Email at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each Email you receive from us, or emailing us at You may also choose not to receive mail or phone communications by emailing us at and specifying that this is your preference. If you would like to update your contact information, you may do so by logging in to your account and editing, or by sending an email to