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Keeping it Cool – AC Tips

May 10, 2024

Arizonans know it’s that time of year when things heat up and it’s essential that the air conditioning system runs dependably. Some simple do-it-yourself and maintenance checkups can help you avoid an outage when you need it to keep you cool the most.

Of course, change your air filters every month.  The whole point of air filters is to protect your air conditioning units and its vital parts from the dust, dirt and grime that builds up on the coil and affects its efficiency.  Mark your calendars, post a note… do whatever it takes to remind yourself monthly that you need to change the air filters.

Keep your equipment clean.  Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the filter grills each time you change your air filter.  If you have a shop vac or vacuum cleaner with a hose, give it a good whirl and suck up all the loose dust and clumps from your unit.

Take advantage of regularly scheduled maintenance.  Your air conditioning unit is a machine that needs to be serviced regularly by an expert.  Try to schedule those visits in the Spring and Fall to catch minor issues before they balloon into major repair visits due to heavy use.  Among other things, a specialist will check for wear caused by the constant vibration, check the motor and other key components, and lubricate the machine to operate smoothly.

What about refrigerants?  Perhaps you’ve heard that the EPA passed the AIM Act which has outlawed some types of refrigerants. Although some changes are coming that may affect you, it’s a phase-down process and current operating systems do not have to be changed.  Beware some shady contractors who may use scare tactics by misrepresenting the AIM Act.  Don’t let them convince you that you need to buy a new system to be in compliance.  These new rules only apply to new systems.

What’s the latest in air conditioning technology and efficiency?  There have been some significant improvements in air conditioning systems.  Variable-speed compressors operate to maintain cooler temperatures throughout the cooling cycle and are the wave of the future.  Ductless air conditioning units are very effective at cooling a single room, so you can keep select rooms much cooler than the rest of the home.  Programmable thermostats also offer a new level of efficiency.  These allow the air conditioning unit to control the temperature of the home at all times of the day and night, and can be controlled from the wall… or even your smartphone.  All things considered, these advances make for a more efficient use of your energy and precious dollars.

When should you replace your air conditioning unit?  Rely on a trusted technician to help you assess the cost of repair versus replacement.  There are some important reasons for replacement to consider:

  • Energy costs – If you have an older system with a low SEER number and you want to lower your electric bill, think about upgrading to a newer and more efficient unit.
  • Energy use – Even if energy cost is not a factor for a change, you may want to lower your energy footprint with a more efficient upgrade.
  • Equipment failure – It’s a no-brainer to replace your unit when it has a catastrophic failure and the cost of repair is expensive or possibly even exceeds the cost of a replacement.

Budget and personal comfort are the basic criteria for determining if your system is a candidate for replacement.

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